
Spell points

Spell points are used to buy elements, skill, spells and upgrading spells. These are obtainable through spell scrolls and level progression.

Spell scrolls

Spell scrolls are rewarded on certain levels, in quests and is lootable, but very rare.

Spell Scroll Tiers


Basic spellscroll

1 spellpoint

Advanced spellscroll

2 spellpoints

Master spellscroll

3 spellpoints


9-25 (each level)

1 spell point

2 spellpoints

30-100 (5th level)

2 spellpoints

3 spellpoints

110- (10th level)

4 spellpoints

5 spellpoints


Use talkaction '!spellpoints' / '!sp' to see how many available points you have or open the spell upgrade module.

Last updated